Kojagiri Pornima 2023

Update: 23-Oct

Dear MMCPA Families:

We regret to inform you that we must cancel the Kojagiri 2023 program scheduled for October 28 due to an insufficient number of RSVPs. We understand that this is disappointing news, and we apologize for any inconvenience it may cause.

We appreciate those of you who did express interest and RSVP for the event. Your support means a lot to us. For those who did RSVP and paid the dues, we will be processing registration fees refunds promptly. You can expect to receive these refunds within 7 business days via original mode of payment.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best Regards,
MMCPA Committee 2022-23

Namaskar Mandali:

The MMCPA Committee cordially invites you to Kojagiri Poornima program on October 28 at 5 pm.
The venue is Eggoholic restaurant in Mechanicsburg.

Address: 65 Gateway Dr. Suite B-102, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050


  1. Meet and Greet [5 – 6:00 pm]
  2. Karaoke performance [6:00- 7:30 pm]
  3. Masala Milk and Dinner [7:30 – 8:30 pm]

If you want to participate in Karaoke, please contact Ms. Neelam Kane at kaneneelam@gmail.com latest by October 20, 2023.

Event Registration Charges

MMCPA members: $20/person aged 12 years and above.
Non-Members: $25/person aged 12 years and above.
Members and Non-Members who pay after the RSVP deadline, will have to pay $30/person aged 12 years and above.

Admission for kids age below 12 would be free.

A “No show” fee of $30/person will be charged to individuals who send “YES” RSVP but don’t attend the event.

Please RSVP using this form.

The deadline to send RSVP is October 20, 2023 (11:59 PM EST).

We look forward to your active participation!

Best Regards,
MMCPA Committee 2022-23

Ganapati 2023

Namaskar Mandali:

The MMCPA committee is thrilled to announce the details of the Ganapati Program 2023-

Date: September 24th, 2023
Time: 4:00 pm
Venue: HARI Temple
Address: 301 Steigerwalt Hollow Rd, New Cumberland, PA 17070


  1. Meet and Greet [4:00pm – 4:15pm]
  2. Aarti [4:15pm – 4:45pm]
  3. MMCPA Board/Marathi Shala Updates [4:45pm – 5:00pm]
  4. Cultural Program [5:00pm – 7:00pm]
  5. Dinner [7:30pm – 8:30pm]

This year’s cultural program will be coordinated by Harrisburg Marathi Shala. Four spots for participation will be reserved for non-school members. People interested in participating should send an email at harrisburgmarathishala@gmail.com by August 29, 2023. Please make sure that your performance should be appropriate for Ganapati festival celebration at the temple.

People interested in helping the MMCPA committee with the decorations for the event, please contact Ms. Tejashree Khotkar (tejashree.khotkar@gmail.com).
People interested in helping committee with cooking can contact Ms. Neelam Kane (kaneneelam@gmail.com).

This year Little India has sponsored $250 towards MMCPA Ganpati Program. We are requesting you to buy Ganapati idol or decorations for the Ganpati festival from Little India. If you are interested in sponsoring, please contact Mr. Milind Savaji (savajimilind@hotmail.com).

Event Registration Charges

The event fees:
MMCPA members: $11/person aged 12 years and above.
Non-Members: $18/person aged 12 years and above.
Members and Non-Members who pay after the RSVP deadline, will have to pay $25/person aged 12 years and above.

Admission for kids age below 12 would be free.

A “No show” fee of $25/person will be charged to individuals who send “YES” RSVP but don’t attend the event.

Please RSVP using this form

The deadline to send RSVP is September 10, 2023 (11:59 PM EST).

We look forward to your active participation!

Best Regards,
MMCPA Committee 2022-23


नमस्कार मंडळी!
Please save the date for a delicious treat!

The MMCPA committee is excited to welcome you and your family to the “Aamras-Puri event”.

The season for everyone’s favorite mangoes is here, and guess what? we are getting the most delicious and mouth-watering Aamras shipped straight from Devgad, Maharashtra

Below are the details regarding the event:
Date: May 20th, 2023
Time: 11:00 am — 3:00 pm
Venue: Stony Ridge Park
Address: 50 Bernheisel Bridge Rd, Carlisle, PA 17015

1. Meet & Greet [11 am – 11.30 am]
2. Appetizer & drink [11.30 am – 12.00 pm] 
3. Lunch [12.00pm – 1.00 pm]
4. Games [1.00pm – 2.30 pm]
5. Prize distribution and wrap-up [2.30 – 3:00 pm]

Send your RSVP today…

Entry Fee:
Members – $15/person 
Non-members – $22/person
The kids aged 12 years and above will pay the exact charges as adults; however, admission for kids under 12 would be free.

Last day for RSVP: May 15th, 2023

Payment Mode: Zelle, Check, Cash

*You will be required to pay if you RSVP and can’t make it to the event or in case of failure to cancel the RSVP on or before the deadline.

Please use the below link to send your RSVP:

Aamras-Puri Program RSVP

Sponsorship: If you are interested in sponsoring for the event or any food items, please reach out to the committee members before May 15th, 2023

Volunteering: As always, we seeking some help from the community to make this event successful. If you wish to volunteer, please fill this form.

Thank you very much, and we’re looking forward to seeing you!

Best Regards,

MMCPA Committee

Gudi Padwa 2023

Namaskaar Mandali,

As per the tradition, we will celebrate the Gudi Padwa function at the HARI Temple on Saturday, March 25th, 2023.

Marathi families have been sponsoring this meal for past several years. I am very proud to note that over the past several years, we have enjoyed a BIG attendance for this dinner, almost close to 500+ people!

This has been possible only due to generous support from all of you. I am hoping to have the same support this year as well.

This year, we are planning the menu as follows:

  1. Polya
  2. Papad
  3. Pickle
  4. Saadhaa Bhaat
  5. Gravy Bhajee (Flower–Matar–Potato mixed)
  6. Usal — Moth Beans (Matki)
  7. Koshimbeer (Yogurt-based, Kakadee–Gajar–Tomato mixed)
  8. Jilebee

All the food must be prepared as No Onion and No Garlic.

If you would like to contribute from the above menu by March 16th, it would help greatly to plan the meal. You can sign-up here and pick the item you wish to contribute. You can contribute to multiple items per your wish.

If you wish, you can pledge monetary support to sponsor buy-out items like polya, jilebee etc. please sign-up using the above link and get in touch with me.

If you have further questions, I can be reached by email at leena.pattarkine@gmail.com. I will get in touch with you as soon as possible once I receive your email.

Looking forward to your GENEROUS support in making this happen successfully yet again,

On Behalf of all the Marathi families,
Leena Pattarkine

Makarsankranti 2023

नमस्कार मंडळी,

संक्रांत म्हणजे सूर्याचं उत्तरायण सुरु झाल्याच्या आनंदाचा सण. आकाशात उडणाऱ्या पतंगांचा सण. सुगीच्या दिवसांचा सण. वाण लुटायचा सण. मग नक्की या हळदी-कुंकवाला, बोरन्हाणाला (वयोमर्यादा – ५ वर्षा पर्यंत), वेगवेगळे गमतीदार खेळ खेळायला आणि मनसोक्त खायला.

तारीख / Date : ४ फेब्रुवारी २०२३ / 4th February 2023
वेळ / Timing : संध्याकाळी ४ ते ८ / 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
स्थळ / Location: – हरी टेम्पल / Hari Temple
प्रवेश / Entry Fees:
सभासद / Members – $10
सभासद नसलेले / Non members – $20

कार्यक्रमाच्या दिवशी (सभासद आणि सभासद नसलेले) / At the Event (Members and Non-Members) – $25
A No Show Fee of $25 will be charged who do not cancel the RSVP on or before the deadline.

१२ वर्षांखालील मुले / kids under 12 – free
वय वर्षे १२ च्या वर / kids 12 & above – entry fee same as adult members/non members

Payment Mode: Zelle, Check, Cash

RSVP By: २७ जानेवारी २०२३ / 27th January 2023

Please use below link for RSVP.

भेटूया लवकरच.
MMCPA Committee

Diwali Utsav

Namaskar Mandali:

The MMCPA committee is pleased to announce the details of the Diwali 2022 Program.

Date: October 30th, 2022
Day: Saturday
Time: 4:00 pm
Venue: HARI Temple
Address: 301 Steigerwalt Hollow Rd, New Cumberland, PA 17070

1. Faral [4:00 – 5:00 pm]
2. Cultural Program [5:00- 7:00 pm]
3. Aarti [7:00 -7:30 pm]
4. Dinner [7:30 – 8:30 pm]

Event Registration Charges and RSVP
If paid on or before RSVP deadline:
Members =$15

If paid after the RSVP deadline, or at the program = $25

Kids below 12 years are free.

Advance payment can be made via cash or check to the committee or board members.

Please send the RSVP only for the paying members and mention the number of kids below 12 years in the comments section of evite. For example, a family of four interested in attending the event with two kids aged 12 and 9, will send the RSVP for 3 people and mention one kid “below 12” in the comments section.

Please visit the following URL to send your RSVP:


And select either YES or NO while replying to the Evite.

The deadline to send RSVP is October 23, 2022 (11:59 PM EST)

Kindly note that families with a “YES” RSVP but a “no show” will be required to pay $25 per person. Also, individuals who make changes to their RSVP from “YES” to “NO” after the RSVP deadline will be required to pay the same amount.

Let the celebration of this Diwali bring endless joy to your life. Wishing you a prosperous year ahead marked with many achievements!

Best Regards,
MMCPA Committee 2022-23

Namaskar Mandali:

The committee is pleased to share the details of the MMCPA Ganapati Program for this year. We are celebrating this major Maharashtrian festival in person after two years and actively solicit community participation. The following are the details of the program:

Date: September 10, 2022
Time: 4 pm – 8:30 pm
Venue: West Fairview Annex Park
Address: 440 Chestnut St, East Pennsboro Township, PA 17025

  1. Meet & Greet [4 – 4:30 pm]
  2. Cultural Program & Fun Activities [4:30-7 pm]
  3. Aarti [7 – 7:30pm]
  4. Dinner [7:30 – 8:30 pm]

You can take part in the following ways:
Cultural Program: The cultural program entries suitable for the festival should be sent to Ms. Neelam Kane at kaneneelam@gmail.com.Please inform the details of your participation by August 20, 2022, @ 11:59 pm. Many freebies and gifts are planned during the fun activities segment of the program. 

Volunteers: We are looking for volunteer(s) with interest in decoration. If you want to help, please reach out to Mr. Amit Date (amyadate@gmail.com) or Dr. Ankur Nandedkar (anks29@gmail.comby August 20, 2022, @ 11:59 pm.

 Sponsorship: We appreciate your donations to MMCPA programs in the past and look forward to your continued support. Individuals interested in sponsoring, please inform Mr. Milind Savaji (savajimilind@gmail.com) or any committee/board members by August 20, 2022, @ 11:59 pm. 

Event Registration Charges and RSVP

MMCPA strives to keep the event costs affordable to the members of the community; however, it is extremely challenging to continue with the same prices in the current times because of the unprecedented levels of inflation. We hope you understand our decision for a slight increase in prices. The event fee is $14 per person for MMCPA members and $18 per person for non-members. The kids aged ten years or below will be free, but kids over ten will pay the exact charges as adults. Parents of the MMCPA member families will pay member charges; however, any other guests that member families invite, will pay non-member charges. 

We will accept cash/check as the mode of payment at the event. The checks must be made payable to MMCPA. If planning to pay in cash, please bring the exact amount. Mr. Milind Savaji will collect the checks at the venue. 

Visit the following URL to send your RSVP:


Please select either a “YES” or “NO” while replying to the Evite and avoid picking “MAYBE.”

If sending a “YES” RSVP, please indicate the total number of people from your family attending the event (including kids and their ages) in the comments section of Evite.

Kindly note that individuals will have to pay the event fee in either of the following two scenarios: RSVP “YES” but a “no show.”  OR  RSVP “YES” but canceling after the RSVP deadline. 

The RSVP deadline is August 31, 2022, @ 11:59 pm EST.

Ganapati Bappa Morya……the countdown has begun!!!!

Best Regards,
MMCPA Committee 2022-23

MMCPA Annual Picnic

Namaskar Mandali:

 The MMCPA committee is excited to welcome you and your family to the annual picnic. Below are the details regarding the event:

 Date: July 23rd, 2022
Time: 11:00 am — 5:00 pm
Venue: Colonel Denning State Park
Address: 1599 Doubling Gap Rd, Newville, PA 17241


1. Meet & Greet [11 am – 12 pm]
2. Lunch [12 – 1 pm]
3. Games [1 – 3 pm]
4. Free Time & Park Exploration [3:00 – 4:00 pm]
5. Tea and Wrap up [4:00 – 5:00 pm]

Yummy food with mouthwatering snacks prepared by new caterers!!!! We have plans to keep you full and engaged in the picnic.

Can’t wait??? Send your RSVP today…

Sponsorship: If you are interested in sponsoring any food items including evening snacks, please notify Mr. Sushil Kamble (sushilkamble@hotmail.com) by July 13, 2022.         

Event Registration and RSVP

The event fee is $8/person for MMCPA members and $12/person for non-members.

The kids aged 12 years and above will pay the exact charges as adults; however, admission for kids below 12 would be free. Please make a note of how many kids aged 12 or above are attending in the “comments” section of Evite. 

We will accept cash/check as the mode of payment at the event. The checks must be made payable to MMCPA. If planning to pay in cash, please bring the exact amount. Mr. Narendra Ghuge will collect the checks at the venue. 

Visit the following URL to send your RSVP:


 Please select either a “YES” or “NO” while replying to the Evite and avoid selecting “MAYBE.”

The deadline to send an RSVP is July 13, 2022, @ 11:59 pm EST. Kindly note that families with a “YES” response but a “no show” will be required to pay.

 We are planning a pre-picnic hike, and the details will be shared in the upcoming days — stay tuned!!

The park has a lake, so if you are planning water activities with kids, please prepare accordingly. MMCPA won’t be responsible for any water activities. The detailed information on park activities is available at: 


Thank you very much and we’re looking forward to a fun-filled day!

Best Regards,
MMCPA Committee 2021-22

Pawankhind – Movie Night with Misal Pav

Dear MMCPA Community:

We plan to screen the Marathi movie Pawankhind in Central PA. Below are the details —
When: Sunday, March 13th at 4.00 PM (Time is tentative we will provide details once finalized)

        R/C Carlisle Commons Movies 8
        250 Noble Blvd, Carlisle, PA 17013

        MMCPA Members – $10 per person
                **MMCPA Annual memberships are due for all MMCPA families. $10 per person is discounted cost for the families that pay MMCPA annual membership of $40 per family at or before a movie.

        Non-Members – $15 per person

        ** Please bring checks payable to MMCPA
        ** Kids above 5 are charged the full fee.

Please RSVP by Sunday, March 6th @ 11:59 PM so that we get an accurate headcount. Use the following link to send your RSVP:


Once you confirm your availability and headcount for the movie, you are responsible to pay the full ticket cost even if you cannot make it to the movie.

Looking forward to seeing your family at the movie.

Best Regards,
MMCPA Committee 2021-22